Kathryn Davies MA UKCP

With awareness, the story shifts, morphs, and spirals. Through one lens, a particular view and aspect of my life story so far could be this. I spent periods of my early life, unconsciously, escaping; running from feelings, dissociated from my body, my truth and expression.

In my early twenties I studied existential psychotherapy and immersed myself in yoga, meditation and Eastern approaches to inner transformation. Roots of suffering, inner conflict and limiting beliefs became exposed and a deep longing for truth and freedom awoke, or maybe was re awakened, in me. I studied advaita, trained in Hatha and Kundalini yoga and the uncomfortable comfort zone of my ‘normal life’ dismantled. Immersing into ashram life for a few years cracked me open, experiencing what have been described as ‘awakenings’ . I transitioned to ‘real life’ by spending a year alone, meditating, journaling insights and creating art, during which I felt a pull to share the healing I experienced. Initially I co set up a yoga school offering classes, yoga therapy, and energy healing. Exploring, unveiling and unravelling continued through Buddhism, Vipassana, Advaita, energy psychology and psychotherapeutic trainings. Meeting my inner world with awareness, rather than seeking to avoid or suppress would often lead to deeper openings and integration. In 2016 I completed a Masters in Buddhist based, Core Process Psychotherapy. I resonate deeply with the teachings of non duality including both advaita vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism.

My experience has altered from addressing personal distress, perceiving myself as broken or wrong to a reconnection to the mystery of life. Immersion in both Eastern and Western wisdom as well as my own journey inform my work. This combination provides a deep ground to join you on your path and facilitate your process.

Alongside this work, I also spend time exploring my expression through art. My work is driven by a curiosity of the nature of Self, experience and love of ‘truth’. The creative process opens my mind to new ways of seeing and being. I enjoy exploring the relationship between perceived ‘inner’ experiences and outer realities. The contemplative art practice often entails a dismantling of preconceived ideas, moving beyond boundaries.

Please do click below if you would like to experience my portfolio of current work on a separate website Kathryn Davies Art.

Why True Expression?

In 2012 I returned from a yoga therapy training in India and continued to teach yoga in the UK. I knew my work was shifting and unfolding and yet the new form had not yet emerged. A few months later I attended zen retreat on Salt Spring Island Vancouver with Zen Buddhist teacher and poet Peter Levitt.

The retreat was a truly significant moment in my life that integrated creativity, yoga, meditation, Buddhism, and allowed space for a sense of a next step, the immersion in Core Process Psychotherapy, a Buddhist based psychotherapy. I had been drawn to this work twenty five years previously, but felt I had not enough life experience to warrant the role of psychotherapist.  The time on the retreat was a deeply profound, heart opening and pivotal experience from which stillness, clarity and deeper creativity emerged. When sitting with the name for my work, All I could hear was ‘True Expression’. I have deep gratitude to Peter Levitt for his inspiration. I have included more information about Peter Levitt and his work in the resources section of this site.

Official bit..

Full Bodied Focussing Kay Hoffman (2022-2025)

Rebirthing Conscious Connected Breath Leonard Orr Foundation (2022-

Transformation Breath Essentials Transformational Breath UK (2021)

Masters Degree Core Process Psychotherapy- Karuna Institute ( 2014- 2017)

Naturopathy training - The School of Naturopathy (2014-2015)

Kundalini Yoga-3 year transformational process -Amrit Nam Savaour (2011-2014)

Kundalini Yoga teacher training - Amrit Nam Savaour (2010-2011)

Reiki 1,2, 3 and Masters - Integrated Health (2008 - 2010)

Ayurveda nutrition diploma - International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta (2005)

Sivananda Yoga teacher Training - International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta (2003)

British Wheel of Yoga - BWY (2001)

Existential Psychotherapy Diploma - New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (2001-2002)

BA Honours Cultural Studies - University of Wales, Newport 1994- 1997